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The Woods of SR - Primeval Forest of Dobroč Issue number
FDC 330
Date of issue
Face value
12.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

“Dobročský prales” is located in central Slovakia within “Veporské Vrchy” mountain range, and sub-range “Balocké vrchy”. It occupies north-western forested slopes in the background of “Brôtovo” valley, altitudes between 700 – 1005 meters. The complete development of the growth lasts 400 years. The ground substrate contains crystallinic minerals, among them slate-type granites and granodiorites. The reserve has prevalent fir-beech growths, that are enriched locally by other five forest types. The dominant tree species are fir, beech, pine and rarely maple, elm, aspen and ash. There also occur several herbal and animal species typical for Carpathian forests and an unique mollusc – Argna bielzi and an interesting small owl – Glaucidium passerium as well. “Dobročský prales” is one of the oldest and most precious area of virgin forest in Slovakia. It is also one of the oldest preserved areas in Slovakia thanks to its compatriot Jozef Dekret-Matejovie, who was the chief forester at the turn of 18th century. The forest is protected since 1913, when it became the area of national nature reserve. “Dobročský prales” covers 101,82 hectares today. The virgin forest is interesting for visitors by its majesty of 450 years old trees. In 1964, a hurricane has broken the giant fir with perimeter 610 cm, trunk diameter 193 cm, height 56 meters and volume of wood 47,25 cubic meters. The aim of the protection is to preserve the forest ecosystem and to investigate its development. On the stamp and FDC is a drawing depicting “Dobročský prales”.

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