This product is not for sale Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union - Žilina University Issue number
FDC 184
Date of issue
Face value
12.00 Sk

Works reproducted in edition are illustrations which were appreciated by the International Jury on the "BIB '97". 274 illustrators from 46 countries of the world principated at this exhibition. This illustrations belong to works which are characterized by purite art. They are not only transposition of the text, but they also indicate author authenticity. Above all, prize-winner of the "GRAND PRIX BIB '97" Martin Jarrie makes use of the fact, that children of today have a new ability of reality perception and other quality of visual perception. Therefore, not only the world of fairy tales and fables, but also the world of machines and robots is very close to them. And this world has been created by Martin Jarrie with an individual humour and poetics. Opposite pole of this "postmodernic" creative expression are illustrations by Robert Innocenti to Hofrman's fairy tale "Nutcrackers". Elegant and apparent realistic, they are passing across within the ambit of reality in order to incline with their creative expression to surrealism. Reproducted illustrations are only short demonstration of illustrated intention variety, creative styles and technics, which are traditionally presented on this regular international competitive exhibition- of illustrations originals for children and young people -Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava". They are presented more then thirty years.

Mgr. Ľ. Droppová
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