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First Slovak Gymnasiums Revúca (1862) Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
13.00 Sk

Revúca, the city of the First Slovak Gymnasium, belongs to important centres of Gemer region. Since 1357, the development of the town had been influenced by trades, business, and especially by iron manufacturing and processing. In the 60's and 70's of the 19th century, Revúca became one of the centres of Slovak national life. The Slovak Lutheran gymnasium was opened here in September, 16, 1862. The first complete secondary school in the Slovak history existed due to the Slovak population which gave it the name—The First Slovak Gymnasium. Dignitaries and professors of the gymnasium founded The Teacher's Base and The Girls' Educational Institute. In 1871—1873, the financial/money?? collections and gifts helped to build up a new school. 556 students studied at the gymnasium, from which every sixth became a personality of Slovak national history. Gymnasium played an important role in the Slovak national uprising process, therefore the negative attacks escalated and the gymnasium was closed in August, 20, 1874. First Slovak gymnasium outstands a prominent place in our national history and represents a marked input to the golden fund of Slovak pedagogy. The original house with the museal exhibition and the new gymnasium building are national monuments. On FDC, there is a portrait of professor Samuel Ornis, who belongs to the most significant personalities of the gymnasium.


Dušan Dubovský
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