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Postage Stamp Day - Albín Brunovský Issue number
FDC 198
Date of issue
Face value
5.00 Sk

Professor Albín Brunovský (1935 - 1997) - excellent artist, pedagogue and man. Each area of his creation - painting, illustration, graphics - became the jewel of the Slovak, as well as the world culture. Many awards at home and abroad testify this fact. Thanks to him, "Slovak Graphic School" started to be spoken of. In his creation he fastened on his forerunners and teachers (K. Sokol, V. Hložník) and he educated several dozens of artists, and by his own exemple he inculcated professionalism, respect for creation and handcraft perfection to them. Creation of postage stamps was the significant part not only of the creation of A. Brunovský, but also of his pedagogic activity. He created a lot of graphics designs of Czechoslovak stamps - especially portraits of personalities of the Slovak and world culture. He had substantial merit in formation of the Slovak Engraving School, which was missing here and onlly nowadays it has been included in the pedagogic process at the VŠVU (Academie of Fine Arts). The postage stamp Matica slovenská (Slovak Heritage Organisation) was the first result of these efforts - a Slovak theme depicted by the Slovak artist and engraved by the first Slovak engraver was awarded the 1s1 prize as the Stamp of the Year 1988 and took the lead in the international poll of Mladá fronta newspaper. Its fragments are the part of this issue. "They follow us..." wrote a poet on the occasion of the rounded anniversary of Albín Brunovský and that is true in all senses. Especially the continuity of the creative art development is preserved and Albín Brunovský - precious man and artist has his followers also in the creation of postage stamps.

Martin Činovský
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