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Nature Protection: Important Fossils from Slovakia – Gastropod Vexillum svagrovskyi Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
0.75 €
Sell price
0.75 €

      Konopiská pri Rohožníku is one of the major Slovak paleontological sites, that includes finds of fossilised marine fauna from the Tertiary Period.  The site, a former clay extraction pit and the close by surrounding area, is situated east of the municipality of Rohožník which can be found on the eastern edge of the Záhorská nížina lowland.  Various types of marine clay, sand, arenaceous clay and algal marls that contained a wide range of fossilised marine fauna (invertebrates and vertebrates) were discovered in the clay pit.  These animals come from the younger Tertiary Period – the Miocene, when, approximately...

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