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St. Valentine´s Day 2005 (Definitive stapm) Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
9.00 Sk

Merry and sometimes impulsive god of love known to us as Eros, Amor or Cupid, has been aiming his arrows at hearts of men since ancient times. He was destined to graceful winged-flight as gentle as a breeze in the air above us. Nobody was able to resist him. Ancient legends and myths tell us of the unerring accuracy of his aim. That is why he has always had his place in the imagination of poets and artists as a boy with wings, bow, and arrow aiming at and hitting the hearts of mortals, even gods. Many temples were built and dedicated to him in ancient history. His portrait appeared in pictures painted on porcelain, frescos, and also in literature, drama, music and visual art. To this day he remains one of the most renowned emblems of love, just as a red rose which, according to legend, grew as a sign of the love of goddess Aphrodite of beautiful Adonis. Therefore, the postal stamp issued on the occasion of the day of lovers portrays a winged god floating above a bunch of roses. The first day cover pictures a heart, and the stamp is designed as an image of a knot of lovers, which is to remind us of the main qualities of love – fidelity, and devotion.

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